Rain, not freezing, continuous, slight, very high winds and high temperatures forecasted for the day.
County: Umatilla
The Pendleton Fire and Ambulance Department is a full-service fire and ambulance department currently served by Chief Anthony Pierotti, Assistant Chief Valorie Tomren, and Office Administrator Karen Hoeft, 24 career personnel plus fire and EMS reserve staff.
PFD&A provides fire protection to the city of Pendleton and the Riverside RFPD, Lower McKay Creek RFPD, McKay Dam RFPD, Rieth Water District, and several individual properties through contract agreements. The Insurance Services Office recently awarded Pendleton with the ISO 2/10 rating.
For Residents within the Pendleton Fire And Ambulance Service jurisdiction: Sign in to learn about your local Outdoor Burning Regulations, communicate with your local fire agency officials, read condition reports, create and update your own outdoor burn status.
This service is free, brought to you by this public safety partnership with Pendleton Fire And Ambulance Service.
At PublicFireSafety.com (or PFS), our mission is to improve communication in public safety.
By coordinating the needs of our public safety agencies and the residents they serve, PFS is working with these professionals and residents to re-imagine permitting, regulations, safety and communication for modern communities.