Rain, not freezing, continuous, slight, very high winds and high temperatures forecasted for the day.
The City of Dallas Fire & EMS Department provides fire, rescue, and emergency medical services to the citizens of Dallas.
In addition to understanding its purpose and reason for existence, all successful organizations need to define where they expect to be in the future. After having established the organization’s mission the next logical step is to establish a vision of what the Dallas Fire & EMS Department should be and achieve in the future. Vision statements provide targets of excellence that the organization will strive towards and provide a basis for their goals and objectives. The following vision statement was developed for the Dallas Fire & EMS Department.
We will:
We hold ourselves accountable to these values:
Sense of community
We believe we have a duty to enhance livability and be a positive presence in the community.
Professional excellence and behavior
We strive for constant improvement to better serve the community and each other. We will be courteous, respectful, and caring.
We are committed to honest and ethical behavior.
We believe positive teamwork and shared leadership are integral to our organization. We will seek out and value the opinions of our members.
We will put the needs of others above and before ourselves while delivering service without recklessness. We will not work for recognition but rather will do work worthy of recognition.
For Residents within the Dallas Fire & EMS jurisdiction: Sign in to learn about your local Outdoor Burning Regulations, communicate with your local fire agency officials, read condition reports, create and update your own outdoor burn status.
This service is free, brought to you by this public safety partnership with Dallas Fire & EMS.
At PublicFireSafety.com (or PFS), our mission is to improve communication in public safety.
By coordinating the needs of our public safety agencies and the residents they serve, PFS is working with these professionals and residents to re-imagine permitting, regulations, safety and communication for modern communities.