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Central Lyon County Fire Protection District

Central Lyon County Fire Protection District

Fire danger level image


Burning is closed due to high winds

Current Conditions


Central Lyon County Fire Protection District

High Fire Hazard

Clouds generally forming or developing, and very high winds forecasted for the day.

Fire danger level image
Outdoor Debris Burning

Outdoor Debris Burning

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Central Lyon County Fire Protection District

We are a combination career and volunteer fire district serving a population of approximately 25,000 in Lyon County, Nevada. Central Lyon Fire provides fire protection and emergency medical services to the community as well as offering public education.

Public Contact Information

The Central Lyon County Fire Protection District is comprised of more than 630 square miles, with an approximate population of 33,000.

The operating budget is approximately $4.5 million annually. The District extends from Mound House at the Carson City line, east to Silver Springs at the Churchill County line and is bound to the north by Storey County and the North Lyon County Fire Protection District. The southern boundary is Township 15 North.

The district is organized under the provisions of NRS Chapter 474 and is under the direction of an independent generally elected Fire Board.

The Central Lyon County Fire Protection District is a full-service fire district providing fire protection, hazardous materials response and mitigation, public education, fire investigations, plan review, emergency medical services with mutual and automatic aid locally, regionally and nationally.

Some of our value-added services include our EMS response and transport program that includes ambulance subscription program, 12 lead EKG testing and telemetry, advanced cardiac life support and public CPR training. The district offers a child car seat inspection program designed to inspect and assist with car seat installation.

Planning for the future is a goal of the district. Our first “green” station was completed in November 2008 and our newest renovation was completed in spring 2018.

The Central Lyon County Fire Protection District provides service to Dayton, Dayton Valley, Mark Twain, Moundhouse, Silver City, Silver Springs and Stagecoach.

Boundary Map

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For Residents

For Residents within the Central Lyon County Fire Protection District jurisdiction: Sign in to learn about your local Outdoor Burning Regulations, communicate with your local fire agency officials, read condition reports, create and update your own outdoor burn status.

This service is free, brought to you by this public safety partnership with Central Lyon County Fire Protection District.

About PFS

At PublicFireSafety.com (or PFS), our mission is to improve communication in public safety.

By coordinating the needs of our public safety agencies and the residents they serve,  PFS is working with these professionals and residents to re-imagine permitting, regulations, safety and communication for modern communities.

Regional Partners

Nevada State Fire Marshal

The mission of the State Fire Marshal is to protect life, property and the environment from fires and hazardous materials in the State of Nevada.
