BurnPermits App Update - See What's New
Lehi Fire Department

Lehi Fire Department

Fire danger level image

Current Conditions


Lehi Fire Department

High Fire Hazard

Clouds generally forming or developing, very high winds and high temperatures forecasted for the day.

Fire danger level image
Outdoor Debris Burning

Outdoor Debris Burning

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Lehi Fire Department

Public Contact Information

Lehi is the largest growing community in the county, we are devoted to fire prevention.  One of our goals is to prevent tragedies from happening, rather than respond to them.  Reaching out into the community to educate citizens, especially the children, in fire prevention and safety is one of our highest priorities.  We strive to keep our community safe through our business inspection, and other community safety programs.

Boundary Map

Brought To You By

For Residents

For Residents within the Lehi Fire Department jurisdiction: Sign in to learn about your local Outdoor Burning Regulations, communicate with your local fire agency officials, read condition reports, create and update your own outdoor burn status.

This service is free, brought to you by this public safety partnership with Lehi Fire Department.

About PFS

At PublicFireSafety.com (or PFS), our mission is to improve communication in public safety.

By coordinating the needs of our public safety agencies and the residents they serve,  PFS is working with these professionals and residents to re-imagine permitting, regulations, safety and communication for modern communities.

Regional Partners

Utah State Fire Marshal’s Office

As a Division of the Utah Department of Public Safety, our mission is to identify, develop, and promote ways and means of protecting life and property from fire-related perils through direct action and coordination of Utah Fire Services.
